Causes & Symptoms for Zincum Oxydatum
Contraction of the muscles, with muscular weakness and depression.
Anorexia better after a meal indicates Zincum Oxydatum.
Stoppage of the nose, difficulty in breathing.
Colicky pains in the abdomen, with constrciting pains in the chest.
Mind and Head
Headache with vertigo, giddiness, confusion.
Inability to breathe through the nose due to congestion.
Stomach and abdomen
Fullness in the stomach, with sudden and involuntary vomiting.
Retching with desire to vomit. Frequent risings of empty and bitter taste.
Spasmodic hiccoughs that rasie an attention to Zincum Oxydatum.
Neck and Back
Sacral pains, with tearing and lancinating pains.
Trembling in the feet with constant tingling sensation and at times jerking of the muscles.
Tearing and pains feel as if the bones are broken.
Drawing pains felt in the foot is relived with Zincum Oxydatum.
Profuse perspiration with eruptions that itch.
Coldness of the extremities, with shivering of the whole body.
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