Causes & Symptoms for Zincum Iodatum
Indicated in restless patients who keep working.
Splinter like pains in the throat is an indication for this remedy.
Tendancy to sweat with coldness feltin the stomach marks Zincum Iodatum.
Discharges are acrid and watery.
Mind and Head
The Zincum Iod patient works restlessly without taking a break.
Quarrelsome, destructive at times indicates the nature of Zincum Iod.
Vertigo with coldness of the lumbar region.
Constant in effectual desire to sneeze.
Mouth and Throat
Tingling sensation felt over the face which is relieved with Zincum Iodatum.
Hoarseness with stammering and loss of voice.
Thyroid complaints with cyst like swelling indicates the action of the medicine.
Stomach and abdomen
Zincum Iodatum is indicated in the emptiness of the stomach.
Lancinating pains in the groin is relieved with Zincum Iodatum.
Stool and Anus
Complaints of constipation with difficulty in passing stools.
Sweating of the palms with restless hands and legs.
Trembling feeling in the lower limbs is relieved with Zincum Iodatum.
Eczema, acne, dryness of skin with patches.
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