Causes & Symptoms for Zincum Aceticum
Symptoms are worse in the evening, walking in open air.
Pain and weakness in the arms with no desire to work.
Pustular eruptions on forehead and knee
Soreness of the throat with tight sensation felt in the throat.
Mind and Head
No desire to talk and better when alone.
Frontal headache with stitching type of pains is relieved with Zincum Aceticum.
Pain in the ear internally aggravated by touch.
Mouth and Throat
Ulcers in the mouth, with burning sensation in the mouth.
Tearing pain in the tooth worse by touch is an indication of Zincum Aceticum.
Stomach and abdomen
Empty Eructations, with sour taste in the mouth is relieved with Zincum Aceticum.
Violent griping pain in the abdomen,
Stool and Anus
Diarrhoea of black color after dinner indicates Zincum Aceticum.
Urinary complaints
Constant desire to urinate, with stitching pains while passing urine.
Pressing pain in the extremities with trembling of limbs.
Sticking pain in the muscles, with tensive pain is relieved with Zincum Aceticum.
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