Causes & Symptoms for Taxus Baccata
It is useful in complaints of Joint pains.
Fainting is associated with many complaints.
Constant desire to eat with vomiting of tenacious mucus is an indication for Taxus.
For pustular skin affection, large pustules with strong itching.
Pain of gout in the toes is relieved with Taxus Baccata.
Cough which is aggravated by deep breathing is an indication for Taxus Baccata.
Mind and Head
Impatience and inability to think with restlessness.
Orbital pain during the headache, convulsions, with fainting.
Eyes, ear
Itching of eyelids, better by rubbing, constant watering of eyes, with blurry vision.
It helps to relieve the complaints of Aural Polyps. Extra growth on the external auditory canal.
Stomach and abdomen
It relieves the pins and needle sensation felt in the stomach.
Taxus Baccata is indicated in stomach complaints that are relieved after eating.
Urinary complaints
It is indicated in frequent urination, strangury, painful urination.
Night sweats, body covered with pustules.
Redness of the skin, with large flat pustules.
Burning Dryness of palms of hands is an indication for Taxus Baccata.
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