Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Stannum Sulphuratum
It is indicated in complaints of respiratory complaints, headache, vertigo.
Stannum Sulphuratum is useful in complaints of soreness of eyes, sore throat, congestion in chest.
Shivering with trembling, chills and perspiration in morning.
Numbness of points in the fingers indicates Stannum Sulphuratum.
For complaints of bloating in abdomen, it gives good results.
It is useful in complaints of neuralgic headache, accompanied with nausea.
Complaints of vertigo with loss of ideas is relieved with Stannum Sulphuratum.
Eyes and Throat
Sore eyes and throat as from internal eruption leading to soreness.
Dragging pains in the throat is relieved with Stannum Sulphuratum.
Cough with white, thick expectoration, hoarse and weak sound.
Stannum Sulphuratum is useful in complaints of bloating in abdomen, lowered appetite, sour taste in mouth.
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