Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Spinacea Oleracea
It has carminative and laxative effects, hence used effectively in complaints of indigestion, constipation.
Spinacea Oleracea is effectively used in complaints of urinary calculi.
In inflammation of the lungs, liver, Spinacea Oleracea is an indicated remedy.
Spinacea Oleracea is useful in complaints of cough, raised temperature.
It helps to improve the bowel motions, by improving the peristaltic action.
Swelling of Limbs with loss of Vigor.
Mouth and throat
It is useful in bleeding gums
In soreness of throat with inflammation of the tonsils indicates Spinacea Oleracea
Stomach and abdomen
Spinacea Oleracea aids in digestion process.
It helps in complaints of fullness in abdomen,bloated feeling due to inflammed liver.
For constipation, poor dgestion, Spinacea Oleracea gives good results.
It is used to resolve the bone loss associated with osteoporosis and for its anti-inflammatory properties in easing the pain of arthritis.
Spinacea Oleracea is good for the heart and circulatory system and has energy-boosting properties.
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