Causes & Symptoms for Salol
It is also useful in affections of the bladder and urethra, associated with urinary incontinence
Burning and itching eruptions on the skin is relieved.
Rheumatic pains in joints with soreness and stiffness is relieved with salol
Stiffness of the joint is relieved with Salol.
In acute diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, and other diseases where intestinal asepsis in indicated, remedy works well.
Continuous headache continued two days followed by body pains is an indication for Salol.
Urinary complaints
Severe burning while passing urine is an indication for this remedy.
Strong smell of urine.
Pain and soreness in the buttocks, knees, and wrists.
Complaints worse on walking indicates Salol.
Cramps in the hand on writing is relieved with Salol.
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