Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Rumex Obtusifolius
Rumex Obtusifolius is used to relieve the complaints of nose bleed, headache.
It has a power of cleansing, hence useful in complaints of suppressed urine to help release the urine.
Rumex Obtusifolius has blood purifying properties, hence useful in skin complaints.
Its use in burns, blisters and scalds is marked.
In complaints of Kidney, it gives good results, with pain in kidneys.
Uterine complaints with bearing down pains is relieved with Rumex Obtusifolius.
Mind and Head
Alternate mood swings with alternate happy feeling and sad feeling.
Headache complaints on the vertex with pressive pains is relieved with this remedy.
Complaints of nose bleed with epistaxis, blowing cause bleeding of nose.
Loss of appetite with pain, emission of flatus, pressure felt in the morning.
Complaints of white discharge, for more then a week, white, thick with expulsive efforts and pain in the kidney area.
Weakness of the genital parts.
Pain in the kidney area is an indication for this remedy.
Bruised pains all over the body with extreme weakness and prostration is relieved with Rumex Obtusifolius
Coldness of the feet.
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