Willmar Schwabe Rhus Toxicodendron(Mother Tincture)
Tincture of fresh leaves gathered at sunset just before flowering time is used to make the medicine.
Common Name: Poison Oak
Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Rhus Toxicodendron
The complaints of Rhus Toxicodendron remedy come on from exposure to cold damp weather.
Allergic skin reactions, Inflammation of glands that are hot and very painful.
The bruised pains often attended with numbness after stretching high up of the parts is relieved with Rhus Tox.
The joint pains which are relieved by regular movements indicates Rhus Tox.
Restlessness where they toss and turn all night, unable to find one position comfortable for long time is a symptom found in this remedy.
Mind and Head:
Sleep is interrupted by pains and by anxieties or illogical apprehensions that something bad is going to happen.
Anxiety aggravated at night time in the bed indicates Rhus tox.
Restlessness which will not allow the patient to remain seated, and compels him to throw himself about in bed.
Tendency to hold feelings back, patients find it difficult to respond to others, fixed Ideas and supressed anger is seen in Rhus tox.
Cause of severe trauma with impossibility to defend himself or to escape.
Deep seated feeling of being a victim is relieved with help of Rhus tox.
The pain in the back of the head is ameliorated by holding the head backwards, Pulsating headaches, Eruptions upon the scalp
Headaches are worse from wetting the hair. Vesicular eruptions upon the scalp
Eyes, Ear and Nose:
Inflammation of the eyes with sticky eye lids, Red eyes and lachrymation.
The Rhus Tox patient, is subject to styes on the lower lids, neuralgia in the eye
Heaviness of the eyelids, Painful throbbing in ear at night, Swelling of ears.
Restlessness caused by a stiffness of the neck which can only be relieved by stretching it and moving the head about is seen in Rhus tox patients.
Pains in general are better from heat , better from lying on a hard surface indicates Rhus Tox.
Stomach and Abdomen
When eating, sudden vomiting, Hunger without appetite is found in this remedy.
Empty risings after a meal after drinking, Violent risings with tingling in stomach is relieved with help of Rhus tox.
Gnawing pain in the stomach, fullness and heaviness in the stomach, pain in the stomach after ice cream; nausea after eating ice cream is relieved with Rhus tox.
Inflammation and swelling of the glands of the abdomen and groin.
Vomiting immediately after eating, Burning sensation in the abdomen,Bloated abdomen, especially after eating. Rhus patients desire cold milk and cold drinks.
Great flatulence, with grumbling, fermentation, and pinching movements in abdomen is benefited by Rhus tox.
Stool, Anus and Urinary complaints:
Painful tenesmus without stool, Shooting pains in the rectum with hemorrhoids, great soreness and when they are internal or protruding piles.
Chronic painless diarrhoea, only in morning is an indication for Rhus tox.
Frequent and urgent want to urinate, day and night, with profuse emission.
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