Causes and symptoms for Primula Obconica
A remedy which is effective in complaints of skin, wherein itching, small eruptions occur on the skin.
For Boils, eruptions, skin infections,Primula Obconica gives good results.
In complaints of pain in the liver region, spleen area followed by weakness is an indication for Primula Obconica.
Complaints of Throat, pharyngeal soreness alternating with diminished facial irritation.
Weakness and trembling of the extremities is helped with Primula Obconica.
For blister formation, boils, severe itching at night, with infections that rises the body temperature.
Skin rashes and eczema with swollen eyelids. Small papules with raised base edges.
Eruptions on the chin over the face is relieved with Primula Obconica.
Eruptions that occur in between the fingers, with dry palms.
Cracking of skin over the joints with stiffness is relieved with Primula Obconica.
Eczema on wrist, arms, forearms with blister on fingers is an indication for this remedy
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