Willmar Schwabe Phytolacca Decandra(Mother Tincture)
Tincture of the ripe berries, Tincture of fresh leaves, fresh root dug in winter.
Common Name: Poke-root. Red Ink Plant. Garget Weed
Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Phytolacca decandra
Exposure to cold and damp weather that results into body disorders, is relieved with Phytolacca.
The remedy is indicated for affections of glands, throat, tonsils, breast, parotids, swollen fauces with burning pain, bone pains.
Sore pain all over the body is overcomed with help of Phytolacca.
Wandering pains; shooting, lancinating, flying, like electric shock pains are gradually lessened with Phytolacca.
Stiffness is a characteristic effect of Phytolacca.
Mind and head
The headaches of Phytolacca is chiefly frontal, pressive, involving eyes, worse right side.
Phytolacca is effective in Scaly eruption on scalp.
Heat felt in the head with rest of the body cold leads us to Phytolacca.
Mouth and teeth
Desire to bite teeth and gums together is an indication of Phytolacca decandra.
It is a medicine for period of dentition.
Difficulty while swallowing, with every attempt excruciating shooting pains through both ears is relieved with Phytolacca.
Soreness of posterior fauces, In speakers with burning throat due to overuse of voice; Phytolacca decandra gives amazing results.
Phytolacca is beneficial in fullness in throat with great pain at root of tongue while swallowing,
Pains shooting from throat into ears on swallowing is an indication of Phytolacca decandra.
Female complaints
Phytolacca is a valuable medicine in hard breast with nodosity, sensation of heaviness as stones, painful breasts when the child nurses, Mammary abscess.
Mastitis, where the hardness is very apparent from the first, with great burning, phytolacca is the remedy of use.
The cracks and small ulcers about nipples, pain that goes from nipple all over body is relieved with Phytolacca
Irritable breasts, before and during menses is an indication of Phytolacca.
Lumps in the breast, at times pus formation due to ulcers can be gradullay overcomed with Phytolacca decandra.
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