Causes & Symptoms for Paris quadrifolia
Vertigo when reading aloud, with impeded speech and difficult vision.
Pressing headache aggravated from mental exertion.
Catarrhal complaints, stuffed feeling at root of nose.
Mind and Head
Mania to talk continuously with feeling of expansion and tension felt.
Stinging and stitching pains felt in the vertex.
Head feels very large, expanded. Scalp sensitive.
Eyes, ear, nose
Swollen eyelids, with feeling as if it looks too thick and heavy.
Burning sensation felt in the ears.
Mouth and Throat
Dry tongue, with white coating of the tongue.
Neuralgic pains felt all over the face. Vesicles on the surface of the lower lip.
Constant hawking, on account of viscid, green mucus in larynx and trachea.
Tight, almost painless swelling of the size of a pigeon’s egg on one side of the roof of the mouth.
Stomach and abdomen
Heaviness in the stomach as from a stone ; relieved by eructation.
Rumbling and rolling in the abdomen is an indication for this remedy.
Neuralgia of coccyx; pulsating, sticking, when sitting.
Numbness of upper limbs, fingers.
Sensation as if all joint are broken at every motion.
Stinging pains in all parts of the body, especially the limbs.
Perspiration in the morning on waking, with biting-itching.
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