Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Papaver Rhoeas
Feeling helpless in sudden shock situations.
Desire for support in dangerous situations
Papaver Rhoeas is useful in catarrhs, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, coughs, hoarseness of throat, loss of voice
For menses absent, it gives good results.
Papaver Rhoeas suppresses the central nervous system and produces sleep and dreamy state.
Papaver Rhoeas is also indicated in paralysis of bladder and rectum causing suppression of urine and constipation.
It is also given for diabetes, it helps to minimize the blood sugar levels.
In intestinal obstruction and paralysis of intestines, weakness of digestive muscles, Papaver Rhoeas gives good results.
It produces abnormal sleep with sighing and snoring, helps in the complaints.
For retention of urine and inactivity of uterus.
Papaver Rhoeas is useful in marasmus and meningitis.
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