Causes & Symptoms for Palladium
It is useful in complaints of ovary, where in inflammation has set in, swellings.
Undressing causes itching all over body.
Cutting pains in uterus are better after stool.
Headache across the head from ear to ear.
Coughing and sneezing worse pain in abdomen.
Itching and crawling as form fleas on different spots, back, arms, abdomen, thighs, ankle.
Mind and Head
Strong emotions that cannot be expressed, Keeps up brightly when in company, but is exhausted afterwards.
Need for support and the good opinion from others follows them all the time
Impatience and irritability with headache, pulsating pains.
Morning headache with weakness in back is relieved with Palladium.
Eyes, Nose
Sensation of dryness with watery blisters on edges of lower lids.
Painful pustule on point of nose, bleeds long after being squeezed.
Mouth and Throat
Burning sensation on surface of tongue near tip.
Sensation when swallowing as if something hanging
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea, tasteless eructations
Shooting pains from navel to pelvis, with violent colicky pains.
Soreness of abdomen with swelling in the right groin.
Sensation as if the intestines were entangled and twisted is relieved with Palladium.
Stool and Anus
Constipation, stools hard, frequently whitish
Urinary complaints
Frequent micturition, bladder feels full, but little urine is passed.
Male complaints
Sensation as if testicles were bruised, with pain in abdomen is relieved with palladium.
Female complaints
Swelling and induration, cysts of right ovary and pains.
Cutting pains in uterus better after passing stool is an indication for Palladium.
Shooting or burning pain in pelvis and bearing-down indicates the remedy.
Stitches in right breast near nipple is relieved with palladium.
Neck and Back
Violent pains in the back, sciatica, pain goes from toes upwards.
Tired feeling in small of back is relieved with palladium.
Darting pains from toes to hips. Coldness of the limbs, with pain in the back.
Redness of knuckles, warts on knuckles.
Pains are relieved by pressure.
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