Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Morgan Bach
For complaints of congestion, in various parts of the body
Congestion of gastric mucosa and liver, nasal and bronchial membrane
Tendency to hemorrhoids and varicose veins, due to congestion is relieved with Morgan Bach.
Chronic congestion around the joints causes arthritic conditions
Ovarian pains, complaints during end of menses is an indication of this remedy.
Congestive headaches, with flushed face, headache from congestion with flushed face indicates Morgan Bach
For anxiety, apprehension and mental depression with suicidal tendency.
Mental depression, often with suicidal tendency indicates Morgan Bach.
Stomach and Abdomen
For bilious attacks with severe headache which is relieved by vomiting large quantities of bile stained .
Cholecystitis, gallstone, constipation, hemorrhoids, pruritus ani is relieved with Morgan Bach.
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