Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Mercurius Auratus
Mercurius Auratus is indicated in skin eruptions which are itchy and scaly in nature.
Eruptions are oozing and have discharges that are bad in smell.
It is indicated in nasal bone affection accompnaied with swellings, fetid and offensive discharge.
Scratched the eruptions till it bleeds indicates Mercurius Auratus.
It is useful in inflammatory affections that can affect any part of the body.
Abnormal swellings, in the brain leading to tumours is an indication for this remedy.
Mercurius Auratus is indicated in swelling of testicles where there is stitching pain and redness of part affected.
For complaints of bones, affecting the nasal bones is an indication for this remedy.
Side effects of Willmar Schwabe Mercurius Auratus
There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given.
It should not be taken on a continuous basis until and unless your physician prescribes it.
Dosage and rules while taking Willmar Schwabe Mercurius Auratus
Take 5 drops in half cup of water three times a day.
You can also medicate the globules and take 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
We recommend you to take under physicians guidance.
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