Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Menispermum Canadense
Menispermum Canadense has action in skin disorders, multiple joint pains with drawing and jerking pains.
For backache, headache, spinal pain and swelling of tongue Menispermum Canadense is indicated.
It has good action on pulmonary and hepatic affection.
Head pain extending to down back is an indication for Menispermum Canadense.
Dryness is a common feature; in mouth, throat, skin.
Pain whole length of back, with intense headache, with yawning and stretching.
Legs sore as if bruised, with pain in bones.
Mind and head
Quick-tempered with intense headache combined with aching all down the back, feels as if it would burst, with pain whole length of back
Discharge of nasal mucus, excoriating is relieved with Menispermum Canadense.
Mouth and throat
Mouth and Throat dry and parched, without soreness with swollen tongue is relieved with Menispermum Canadense
Yawning and stretching with backache and headache.
Restless, troubled and confused dreams, sudden starting from sleep is helped with Menispermum Canadense.
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