Causes & Symptoms for Manganum Oxydatum
For muscular twitching, convulsions, stiff leg muscles, it gives good results.
It has an action over the nervous system and nervous disorders.
For violent convulsions, muscular weakness, voluntary muscles are affected. In restless legs.
Burning and pressing types of pains are an indication for this remedy.
Painful disturbances in the abdomen, with loose stools, and it has an action over the bones.
Mind and head
Vertigo complaints associated with headache is relieved with this remedy.
Heaviness and pressure felt in the head.
Eyes, Ear and Nose
Burning sensation felt in the eyes, with hearing difficulty and pressure felt in the ear.
Mouth and throat
Burning sensation felt in the throat, with difficulty in speech.
Stomach and Abdomen
Stitching pains felt in the abdomen, violent cutting pains aggravated by pressure, is relieved with Manganum Oxydatum .
Pains aggravated by inhalation of air and due to pressure.
For abdominal colic it gives good results.
Stool and Anus
Difficulty in passing stool. Hard stools and delayed.
Stitching type of pains in the joints, with boring pains aggravated by standing and motion is an indication for Manganum Oxydatum.
Cramps in calf muscles with stiff muscles.
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