Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Mancinella
Acridity with great pain, dimness of vision.
Burning experienced in all parts, ulceration of the skin and mucous membranes.
A leading feature of many symptoms was worse by drinking cold water.
Itching of scalp, hair falls out after severe acute diseases.
Numerous small vesicles on chin is relieved with Hippomane Mancinella
Expectoration better oppression of chest.
Mind and Head
Head feels as if bruised, or as if it had been exposed to the sun. Averse to work and answering questions.
Worse From anger and after eating. Sudden sticking in right temples and above eye.
Pulsating pains in head and neck.
Eyes, ear, nose
Intense inflammation causing blindness for some days indicates Mancinella.
Redness and heat of ears with dryness felt at the root of the nose.
Mouth and Throat
Whole mouth and tongue covered with small vesicles.
Choking sensation rises in throat when speaking.
Can take only liquid food on account of soreness of mouth.
Stomach and abdomen
Continual choking sensation rising from stomach as pressure of wind.
Distension and pain in region of stomach is relieved with Mancinella.
Wandering pains in abdomen.
Stool and Anus
Many bloody stools with colic, inclination to sleep, and vertigo.
Urinary complaints
Stitches in bladder before and at beginning of urination.
Large vesicles, especially on soles. Painful stiffness of finger-joints.
Trembling of legs, tingling in feet when sitting is relieved with Mancinella.
Frequent hawking with nausea, burning heat, with inclination to cover.
Flushes of heat, with sensation as if flames rose out of region of stomach is relieved with Mancinella.
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