Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Magnesium Metallicum
Magnesium Metallicum helps in normal functioning of cells, nerves, muscles, bones and heart.
In complaints of low pumping of heart affecting the circulation of blood, it gives good results by relaxing blood vessels.
In joint pains with low improper bone functioning, it gives good results.
Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains and emaciation are the key indications for magnesium.
For great sensitivity and aversion to disagreement, periodicity of complaints is marked with the complaints.
Notices small details. Timidity. Fear of being criticized by others. Vulnerable within the family.
Magnesium Metallicum avoids being left by the other and afraid to lose position in a relationship.
Fear of being left out is one of the characteristic of Magnesium Metallicum.
Magnesium Metallicum works well in emaciation,loose motions and loss of energy.
It has aversion to cooked food and meat.
Pain in abdomen, cutting, stitching, lighting like coming and going.
For menstrual complaints with white discharge is an indication for this remedy.
Profuse menses with periods every 15 days.
It is useful in palpitation, raised heart beats and this remedy helps to relax.
affections of muscle excitability Neuralgic pains are present
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