Causes and symptoms for Magnesium Sulphurica
Small pimples over the whole body, that itch violently, Suppressed itch can be well relieved by Magnesium Sulphuricum.
Warts, Erysipelas, small red erutpions is relieved by it.
Stitches and burning in the orifice of the urethra after urinating, Stream intermits and dribbles is relieved by Magnesium Sulphuricum.
It is indicated where urine is turbid, and deposits a copious red sediment , checks Diabetes.
Thick leucorrhea, as profuse as the menses, with weary pain in the small of the back and thighs is well relieved by Magnesium Sulphuricum.
It is useful when Menstruation returned after fourteen days; the discharge is thick, black, and profuse. Menses too early, intermit.
Mind and Head
Constant fear of losing someone and a loss of confidence. Restless and uneasy and cannot trust.
Anxiety as if something will happen.
Congestion and pressive pain in the head is relieved with Magnesium Sulphurica.
Eyes, Nose and Ea
Shooting pains in the eyes, relieved by the remedy. Watering of eyes with pain over the eyes.
Fluntcoryza with loss of smell and pain the chest indicates Magnesium Sulphurica.
Shooting pains in the ear.
Mouth and throat
Vesicles on the tongue with dryness of mouth and sensation of numbness.
Frequent mucus in the throat which has to be hawked which does not give a relief.
Stomach and abdomen
Frequent eructations, tasting like bad eggs, Rising of water in mouth is relieved by Magnesium Sulphuricum.
Cold sensation felt in the stomach more in the morning, with desire to vomit.
Painful drawing and rumbling felt in the abdomen.
Back and Neck
It is indicated in Violent pain in the small of the back, as if bruised, and as before menstruation.
Tearings (rheumatic) in limbs, especially at night is relieved by Magnesium Sulphuricum.
It is useful in Great lassitude and soreness in whole body, with trembling, and weakness of the feet.
A peculiar sick feeling, like exhaustion and prostration, with dry warmth of skin and drawing pains is relieved by Magnesium Sulphuricum
Complaints worse after by contact of food, cold and warm things, better when walking.
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