Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Lobelia Erinus
It is useful in extremely rapid development of the extra growth,inflamed spot and multiplication of cells.
For cork-screw-like pains in abdomen is a characteristic of the remedy, Lobelia Erinus
In dry, eczematous patches covering points of first fingers is relieved with this remedy.
Large soft swelling with nodules of induration in the breasts, pains burning and stinging is a characteristic of Lobelia Erinus.
Swelling and growth in the axillary area with making the movement difficult is an indication for Lobelia Erinus
Mind and head
Great depression with difficult breathing,following heat and perspiration.
Pain and tightness in the head with difficult movement and accompanied dullness is an indication for this remedy.
Mouth and throat
Soreness of throat with mouth ulcers.
Eyes, Ear and Nose
Interstitial keratitis is an indication for this remedy.
Loss of hearing in both the ear with wax in the ear, discharge from the ear offensive in smell.
Pain in the chest, in females with breast affection and nodular swellings in the breast.
Chest pains mostly in the evening is an indication for this remedy.
Bearing down pains during menses with frequent menses.
High temperature which is persistent and loose motions in children.
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