Leptandra (Mother Tincture)
Common Name: Culver’s Root
Causes & Symptoms for Leptandra
Leptandra Virginica is useful in conditions like constipation, jaundice and liver complaints. Tongue is coated yellow and there is great distress in stomach and intestines with desire for stool.
There is aching in region of liver extending to the spine which feels chilly is relieved by Leptandra Virginica.
Stools are profuse, black and fetid with pain in umbilicus. Clay colored stools with jaundice.
Patient feels Very dizzy while walking.
Leptandra relieves Very severe frontal headache, walking worse, making it almost intolerable.
Dull frontal headache with sensation as if the hair were pulled out indicates Leptandra.
Leptandra relieves Smarting and aching in eyes, with dull pain in eyeballs.
It is indicated in Profuse lachrymation, agglutinated lids.
Leptandra is useful in Nausea and deathly faintness on rising.
Vomiting of bile, yellow tongue, shooting pains about liver, black stools indicate Leptandra.
Leptandra relieves Burning aching in stomach and liver worse drinking water.
Leptandra relieves Dull aching in liver, worse near gall-bladder.
There is Constant dull aching distress in umbilical region.
It relieves Sharp, distressing pains between navel and epigastrium.
It is indicated in Rumbling and distress in whole bowels, especially in hypogastrium, with black stools.
Stool and Anus
Stools is black, tarry, bilious, undigested, followed by great distress in liver, mushy, with weak feeling in bowels, greenish, muddy, spouting out like water.
Profuse watery stools, followed by severe cutting pains in small intestines, after exposure to wet, damp weather is relieved by Leptandra.
Before stool: rumbling.
After stool: sharp cutting pains and distress in umbilical region, faint, weak, hungry, griping but no straining.
Leptandra is useful in Constipation, hard, black stools followed by mushy portion, piles, from hepatic derangement.
It is also useful in frequently bleeding piles, constipation and distressing pain beneath sacrum.
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