Causes & Symptoms for Lac Felinum
Fear of falling downstairs, but without vertigo.
Sharp lancinating pains passing zigzag down left side of head about every ten minutes
Itching of vulva, inside and out is relieved with
Difficulty in drawing a long breath.
Heavy, profound sleep, not easily awakened.
Cold and heat alternately, each continuing but a short time.
Mind and Head
Very cross to every one.
Terrible headache penetrating the left eyeball to center of brain
Burning in left temple, near eye, worse at night.
Heaviness in forehead, scalded sensation on tongue,
Eyes, ear, nose
Pain in eyes back into head, extremely sharp, with a sensation as if the eyes extended back.
Twitching of eyelids right and left.
When reading letters run together, with dull aching pain behind eyes
Mouth and Throat
Soreness and sensation of ulcers on tongue and roof of mouth.
Small white ulcers covering tongue and whole buccal cavity.
Stringy, tough mucus in pharynx, cannot hawk it up and has to swallow it
Stomach and abdomen
Great soreness and sensitiveness of epigastric region.
Entire right side from crown to sole felt terribly weak, heavy, and distressed, so that it was difficult to walk.
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