Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Kali Citricum
Suited to persons of soft tissues with tendency to be fatty.
Kali Citricum is indicated in condition where one finds albumin in the urine.
Urinary Troubles with suppressed urine, swelling over the legs and face.
Ringing in ears causing great discomfort is characteristic of this remedy.
Severe pain in abdomen due to flatus is relieved with Kali Citricum.
For muscular cramps at night.
Weakness of memory with forget fullness is an indication for this remedy.
Stomach and abdomen
Stomach and abdominal pain with lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting is an indication for this remedy.
Copious passage of flatus is relieved with Kali Citricum.
For inflammed tympanic membrane also known as the eardrum(Tymapanitis) .
Pain in the ear, watery discharge from the affected ear is relieved with Kali Citricum
Kali Citricum is useful when you see blood in your urine.
Excess protein in urine, albumin, high creatinine can be resolved with this remedy.
Frequent night time urination is an indication for this remedy.
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