Causes & Symptoms for Kali Aceticum
It is indicated mainly in abdominal and urinary symptoms, diarrhoea, bleeding of haemorrhoids, more flow of urine.
Weakness, trembling, profuse perspiration, especially about the head.
Urging desire to pass stool with discharge of blood through piles.
For disturbance of fluid in the bosy leadinfg to swellings, dropsy.
Profuse perspiration, very offensive is an indication for Kali Aceticum.
Mind and Head
Headache mainly in the mornings with anxiety and delusions.
Bad odor from the mouth.
Stomach and abdomen
Dull, pressive, pinching, and constrictive pain in epigastric region
Distention of abdomen unnaturally after eating food is relieved with Kali Aceticum.
Retention of fluid in abdomen, ascites complaints indicates the demand for this remedy.
Stool and Anus
Urging to pass tool with bleeding from the hemorrhoids is relieved with Kali Aceticum.
Urinary complaints
Heaviness felt while passing urine. Offensive odor while passing urine, clear urine with turbidity, yellow colour.
Watery urine with constant desire to pass and profuse, more in quantity.
Neck and Back
Pain over the pine, stitching pains with weakness.
Stitching pains felt in the joints, hands, palms.
Trembling of limbs with weariness is relieved with Kali Aceticum
Itching over the skin aggravated by warmth of the bed.
Marked action as the homeopathic uses, chiefly in cases of over-secretion of urine and in diarrhoea indicates Kali Aceticum.
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