Causes & Symptoms for Juncus Effusus
An effective remedy in complaints of urination, diuresis, painful urination, retention of urination.
Indicated in bubbling sensations in various parts of the body.
Pressive and sticking pains felt in the chest.
It is diuretic, and has been used in dropsical, calculous, and renal diseases.
Complaints of asthma with hemorrhoids is an indication for this remedy.
Mind and Head
Insecure, scared, anxious, with frequent palpitation making to sit up
Bubbling sensation in right side of occipital bone, which extends to right ear.
Pressing pain, as if burrowing in the head is an indication for Juncus Effusus.
Eyes, ear, nose
Itching on inner surface of left nostril with dryness and sneezing.
Itching on margin of eyelids, worse on rubbing is an indication for Juncus Effusus.
Sensation as if ear is swollen.
Mouth and Throat
Bubbling sensation in right jaw joint, hawks much yellow mucus without coughing.
Painful laming, drawing, stretching, pulling in neck muscles is an indication for this remedy.
Stomach and abdomen
Indicated in rumbling of flatus in abdomen
Abdominal flatulence, with multiple joint pains.
Stool and Anus
Itching in the rectum, with passage of small lumps of stools.
Male complaints
Itching over the scrotum area.
Neck and Back
Aching pain in small of back.
Cracking pain in the joints, drawing pains in the bones of the lower legs.
Painful burrowing in bones of wrist, during both rest and motion.
Bubbling and drawing in muscles of calves.
Itching and crawling sensation on the old scars is relieved with Juncus Effusus.
Chilliness worse on uncovering, better emission of flatus.
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