Willmar Schwabe Hydropiper
Tincture is made from the whole fresh plant.
Common name: Water pepper, Polygonum hydropiperoides, Smart Weed.
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Hydropiper
It is useful in complaints of menstrual complaints.
A definite action in the female complaints of aversion to coitus, and congestion of the ovaries.
Hacking cough with burning in chest.
Lancinating, cutting, pulsating, shooting, wandering, and flashing pains indicates Hydropiper
In complaints of sciatica Hydropiper gives good results.
Shooting pains in arms and back of legs,wandering, generally shooting down to finger-tips, sometimes shooting up.
Mind and Head
Irritability with great sadness,dislike of change is an indication for this remedy.
Pain on sudden rising in back of head with pain over eyes indicates Hydropiper.
Soreness of the head mainly during menses is relieved with Hydropiper.
Eyes, ear, face
Ear symptoms worse in damp atmosphere, pain in ear when bending head down.
Ringing in the ear with dullness in hearing is relieved with Hydropiper.
Tickling in the nose with , frequent sneezing as from cold.
Excruciating pain and heat in left side of face, worse by cold or damp.
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