Causes and symptoms for Willmar schwabe Hepatica Triloba
Tickling irritation in throat, with sensation of food particles lodged in throat.
Constant hawking with accumulation of phlegm is an indication for Hepatica Triloba
It is useful in assiting the digestive process of the system.
It is used in Sputa sweet, profuse, creamy with hepatic congestion
Pain in the nostrils, with bloody mucus, and soreness felt in the nose.
Hoarseness, pharyngeal catarrh,ticking in throat, more after eating or inhalation of dust is an indication for Hepatica Triloba.
Rough scraping, irritative and tickling sensation in throat and fauces is relieved with the remedy.
For complaints of coughing with yellow expectorate, with mucus and froth.
Sputa is bloody and purulent, profuse, yellow, creamy
Some pain and constriction of right chest is relieved with Hepatica Triloba.
It helps in easing the expectoration.
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