Willmar Schwabe Helleborus Foetidus
Tincture is made from the root.
Common name: Bear’s foot, Stinking hellebore
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Helleborus Foetidus
The action of medicine is marked on spleen, Splenic pains extend to scapula, neck and head
In complaints of glandular enlargements Helleborus Foetidus gives good results.
Helleborus Foetidus is useful in skin complaints with peeling, redness of skin.
Brittle hair nails, with tendancy of falling off.
Inability of the body, with marked stiffness and convulsions is an indication for Helleborus Foetidus.
Tightness of chest, with difficulty in breathing is an indication of this remedy.
Mind and Head
For complaints of anxiety, with vertigo is relieved with Helleborus Foetidus.
Breathing difficult with anxiety, worse every evening.
Shooting pains, pressive pains in the head from congestion is relieved with this remedy.
Eyes and Ear
Great difficulty in reading,vision is distorted, unable to read,light flickers from a draught of air.
Pain around the ear with throbbing pains is relieved with this remedy Helleborus Foetidus.
Vesicles and aphthae in the mouth, and on the tongue, feels excoriated.
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