Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Hedeoma Pulegioides
It is useful in complaints of female related complaints.
In females for Bearing down pains with weakness of the legs is an indication for this remedy.
Jerking and twitchings of the muscles, with restlessness is a characteristic of Hedeoma Pulegioides.
Pains in abdomen worse after eating or drinking.
Periodical dyspnea, difficulty in breathing is relieved with this remedy.
Hedeoma Pulegioides relieves the nervous twitchings and jerkings in all the fibers of the body
Mind and head
For nervous complaints it gives good results.
Heavy feeling in head in morning, sore pain in the head as if from a cut.
Stitching type of pains in the head with fainting symptoms is relieved with Hedeoma Pulegioides.
Sensation of foreign body in the throat with difficulty in swallowing is an indication for this remedy.
Stomach and abdomen
Excessive retching, nausea and straining with gastritic complaints, vomiting is relieved with Hedeoma Pulegioides.
Pain in the stomach after eating anything is an indication for this remedy.
For distention of abdomen with sensitive to touch and pressure.
Stool and Anus
Pain while passing stools, painful passage every four or five days.
Cutting, burning pains while passing urine, with scanty passage of urine.
Frequent intense desire to urinate and inability to retain urine characterizes Hedeoma Pulegioides.
Pains in back, drawing down from upper sacral spine, returning with regular periodicity worse by the least movement.
White discharge with itching, burning and pains that travel to vulva.
Pain in the back; sacral pains, pains that extend to the whole spine dragging down to the uterus.
Pain and coldness of limbs, as if sprained and swollen.
Painful movements with sudden weakness of limbs is relieved with Hedeoma Pulegioides.
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