Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Glechoma Hederacea
Hemorrhoids with rawness and sore anus indicates Glechoma Hederacea.
Cough with laryngeal and tracheal irritation is relieved with this remedy.
Rectal bleeding with loose motions is resolved with this remedy.
Dragging pain from kidney to bladder, burning irritation at neck of bladder causing frequent intense desire to urinate
Glandula sub-mentalis inflamed.
It is also used for arthritis and other joint pain, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), stomach problems, diarrhea.
It is effectively used for female complaints.
For dull, heavy pains in the head with sensation of being cut is relieved with this remedy.
For ringing in the ear, tinnitus.
Everything taken into stomach causes pain, tongue coated white.
Nausea accompanied with inflammed gastric mucosa indicates Glechoma Hederacea.
It is effective in complaints of urinary tract infections
Desire to urinate and inability to retain urine for more than few minutes indicates.
Glechoma Hederacea relieves the burning pains along the ureter.
For pain and congestion in the ovary with backache.
White discharge with itching and burning is relieved with Glechoma Hederacea.
Glechoma Hederacea resolves the swelling that occurs due to inflammations.
Twitchings, jerkings, soreness as if sprained, making walking painful.
Glechoma Hederacea is used for skin wounds, suburn, ulcers, and other skin conditions.
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