Willmar Schwabe Geum Urbanum
Geum urbanum herb and roots have been used in making the tincture.
Common name: herb Bennet,colewort ,St. Benedict’s herb
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Geum Urbanum
It is used for oral purpose in giving relief to the problems affecting the throat, mouth and GI tract.
Geum urbanum helps in improving the lining of the stomach and gut affected after irritation.
Its use in Joint pains, complaints of gout, nodosities and high temperature is marked.
In Colic, loose motions, Geum urbanum gives good results.
Skin affections in females over the vaginal area is relieved with this remedy.
For freckles, erutpions on the face, Geum urbanum is used effectively.
Bad breath, infection of gums and teeth is an indication for this remedy.
Throat complaints with infection and inflammation, pharyngitis is relieved with Geum urbanum.
For Mouth ulcers, it gives good results.
It is used as a gargle in complaints of mouth, teeth and throat.
In complaints of irritation in the stomach and gut, it helps to relive.
Pain in the stomach, colicky pains is an indication for Geum urbanum.
Loose motions with colicky pains.
It is useful as an external application in pile complaints.
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