Causes & Symptoms for Gentiana lutea
The chief symptoms noted in Gentian Lutea is on the alimentary sphere, ravenous hunger with diminished appetite.
It is a tonic which helps to increase the appetite in the healthy.
Frequent hawking without power to detach the mucus from the throat.
Mind and Head
Dull feeling of whole body, Head feels as after intoxication.
Frontal headache, better eating and open air. Fullness and dull pressure, from above downwards, in the frontal region.
Eyes, nose
Frequent aching in the eyes, sensitiveness and pain in the eyes, redness of the conjunctiva.
Irritation in nose, as in coryza, followed by a watery discharge is relieved with Gentiana.
Mouth and Throat
Frequent hawking of mucus which is difficult to loose, rawness in throat indicates Gentiana lutea,
Dryness of the month and throat, saliva thicker than usual.
Stomach and abdomen
Colic, umbilical region sensitive to touch, sensation of emptiness in the stomach.
Nausea after simplest meal feeling of constriction in the stomach.
Steady pressure in umbilicus, aching in umbilical region is relieved with Gentiana lutea.
Cutting pains, sometimes on awaking, at night, with heat.
Continual emission of wind above and below, without relief.
Tightness of lower part of abdomen, worse towards the evening, with shortness of breath.
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