Causes and symptoms of Willmar Schwabe Galphimia Glauca
In cases of allergic conditions and for complaints of anxiety, breathing difficulties
For loose motions with bloody discharge.
Eruptions and ulcerations of the tongue and cheek is relieved with Galphimia Glauca.
Galphimia Glauca can be used for flushes of heat, menstrual complaints.
Constipation like balls, frequent and hard.
Trembling and weakness with diarrhea. Heaviness of the body.
Mind and head
Feeling lonely and feeling unfortunate, irritated towards the family.
Pains extend to the neck or from the occiput to the ears. Throbbing pain in the temples
Weeping without any cause, vertigo with nausea and vomiting indicates Galphimia Glauca.
Eyes, Ear, Nose
Dryness and Itching in the morning or about the eyes, with burning discharges.
Sneezing that is constant or in the morning. Internal dryness.
Discharges that are excoriating, clear, blood streaked indicates Galphimia Glauca.
Sore tongue pain. Ulcers on the right cheek, tip of the tongue is relieved with Galphimia Glauca.
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea with eructations or in the evening, Hiccoughs.
Pain in the lower abdomen or radiating to the back and chest or associated with gas or distention.
Rectum and stool
For difficulty in passing stool, no movement, or hard stool is an indication of this remedy.
Rumbling and sensation of bubbles escaping is relieved with this remedy.
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