Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Franciscea Uniflora
Intense headache like a band around the head, pain in occiput, neck and spine.
Great heat over body, much aching, better by sweating is an indication of Franciscea Uniflora.
Valuable in chronic stiffness of the muscles. Where from muscular contractions the joints are stiff.
Inability to raise the arms, with severe neuralgic pain, weakness of the nervous system,
In muscular pains, with weakness is an indication for this remedy.
For complaints of severe headache, with inability move head.
Stiffness of neck while having a headache is relieved with Franciscea Uniflora.
Franciscea Uniflora helps in relieving the stiffness of muscles.
For neuralgia or nerve pains in the legs, sciatica , it gives good results.
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