Causes and symtpoms for Filipendula Ulmaria
For complaints of arthritis, cellulitis, cervicitis, colds, cystitis, diarrhoea
Gout headache, heartburn, hyperacidity, insomnia, nausea, nephritis, pain, prostate enlargement.
It relieves acidity in the stomach and hence one of the best remedies for heartburn
Bronchitis, coughs and other respiratory conditions are an indication for Filipendula Ulmaria.
Filipendula Ulmaria is used to relieve muscle aches and rheumatic joints.
It helps with indigestion, in addition to having diuretic properties, which is helpful in cases of oedema.
Mind and headache
They feel left alone, without real love, restlessness, loathing of life.
Dullness, laughing when talking about serious things, angry person.
Sleeplessness after disturbed sleep and heaviness in the head, pulsating pains is relieved with Filipendula Ulmaria
Eyes, Ear and Nose
Conjunctivitis and eye inflammation, burning sensation in the eyes, foggy vision is relieved with Filipendula Ulmaria.
Sneezing with burning sensation felt in the nose and even in the throat.
Mouth and Throat
Throat heat, warmth, pain, burning, pressing is relieved with Filipendula Ulmaria.
Stomach and abdomen
Filipendula Ulmaria is useful belching, nausea, vomiting.
Moving sensation with griping pains in abdomen is relieved with this remedy.
Stool and rectum
Burning pains while passing stool with loose motions, constant urging to pass stool.
Infectious bacillary dysentery complaints are one of the indications for Filipendula Ulmaria.
Urinary complaints
Inflammation of the bladder with burning pains and passage of bright yellow colored urine.
Male complaints
In urinary evacuations in male, erection complaints,Filipendula Ulmaria gives good result.
Profuse sweating over the hands, legs, all over the body.
Heaviness of the limbs and cramps in calf muscles.
Palpitations and anxiety, ascending heat and suffering from cramp.
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