Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Ferrum Oxydulatum Nigrum
Ferrum Oxydulatum Nigrum is useful in flu–like illness.
For chills, aches, chest tightness and cough, it gives good results.
Shortness of breath is an indication for Ferrum Oxydulatum Nigrum
Eye complaints due to exposure to iron fumes can be relieved with help of this medicine.
Ferrum Oxydulatum Nigrum is useful to combat the side effects that are caused due to exposure to iron fumes in occupational diseases.
In complaints of raised ody temperature with metallic taste in the mouth
Ferrum Oxydulatum Nigrum relieve the weakness that is caused due to cough.
Side effects of Willmar Schwabe Ferrum Oxydulatum Nigrum
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