Willmar Schwabe Eupatorium Cannabinum
The leaves of the plant are used to make the tincture.
Common name: Hemp agrimony
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Eupatorium Cannabinum
Eupatorium Cannabinum is used for biliary diseases, diarrhoea, snakebites, ulcers, wound healing.
It stimulates the removal of waste products via the kidneys.
Eupatorium Cannabinum has been uses for resolving the complaints of gall stones, nausea and vomiting.
In complaints of constipation, Eupatorium Cannabinum helps to improve the passage of stools.
For cases of influenza infection,Eupatorium Cann is used as a remedy for decreasing the level of cholesterol and as a diuretic.
It is used as an immune system stimulant, helping to maintain resistance to acute viral and other infections.
Eupatorium Cannabinum is used for cold, raised body temperature, flu and detoxifying purpose.
Its useful antiviral, anticancer and cellular growth inhibiting properties helps in the usage as a remedy.
For feverish chills and also for disorders of the liver, spleen and gall bladder,Eupatorium Cannabinum has been used effectively.
It is used as an emetic, expectorant, febrifuge, purgative and tonic.
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