Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Eryngium Maritimum
Eryngium Maritimum is useful in disorders of the liver.
Pains in the eyes, groins, larynx, nape of neck, sinking at epigastrium and weakness of the male sexual organs
Absence of desire secondary action, power of erection quite gone.
Symptoms are more prominently on the right side.
For sluggishness and large quantities of uric acid accumulation Eryngium Maritimum gives good results.
Mind and head
Alternate cheerful and sadness, on awaking in the morning
Spasmodic pain in head with pain at back of right eye, is relieved with Eryngium Maritimum.
Pain at nape compelling the support of head on hand or against something.
Dryness of throat, larynx, and lips.
Stool and Anus
Dull continuous pain in bowels.
Veins of hands at back appear contracted and depressed in indication for Eryngium Maritimum.
Patch of eruption half the size of palm of hand came out in cluster where pain
Chills commencing at nape, going down shoulders and back.
Lassitude towards evening is relieved with this remedy.
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