Causes & Symptoms for Eryngium Aquaticum
Eryngium acts on the mucous membranes, producing thick yellow mucous discharges from eyes, ears, nose, mouth, bowels, urethra, and vagina.
Constriction in throat with dry cough indicates Eryngium Aquaticum.
In urinary and urethral affections it relieves the complaints.
Symptoms that move from part to part aggravation from motion.
Cough with sensation of constriction in throat.
Mind and Head
Expanding sensation in forehead, dull, dragging pain in occiput, neck, passes into neck and along muscles of shoulder
Cannot concentrate them on any subject, is an indication of Eryngium Aquaticum.
Ear, nose
Continued singing and ringing, with creaking sound in left ear.
Desire to sneeze, with profuse yellow discharge indicates Eryngium Aquaticum.
Mouth and Throat
Raw smarting burning in throat and larynx.
Intense redness, slight swelling without pain, profuse secretion of thick whitish mucus.
Stomach and abdomen
Severe colicky or cramping pains in small intestines.
Stool and Anus
Stools dark leaden color, dry, and very hard, tenesmus at stool with a sensation of cutting as they pass through anus.
Urinary complaints
Renal colic with calculi, Frequent desire to urinate, stinging burning pain in urethra
Male complaints
Discharge of prostatic fluid from slightest causes.
Emissions without erections, day and night, followed by great lassitude, after injury to testicles.
Bending head forward worse head symptoms, turning eyes causes pain in them.
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