Clinically established therapy for bedwetting in children
Effectively controls frequency of urination and checks nocturnal enuresis
Takes care of mental and physical debility due to nocturnal enuresis
Controls nervousness and irritability
Composition of Enukind
Ferrum phosphoricum 8x 20 mg: Urine spurts with every cough. Incontinence. Polyuria. Diurnal enuresis.
Atropinum 6x 20 mg: Frequent desire with ineffectual desire to pass urine. Passes moderate quantity of urine.
Acidum phosphoricum 2x 56 mg: Great urging, desire to urinate with burning pains, scanty discharge, at times profuse without retention.
Kreosotum 6x 30 mg: Enuresis in the first part of night. Must hurry when desire comes to urinate.
Staphysagaria 4x 20 mg: Burning while passing urine, spurting of urine while coughing, Dribbling of urine with sensation of unsatisfactory feeling.
Petroselinum sativum 3x 34 mg: Frequent desire to pass urine with cutting pains.
Tabacum 12x 20 mg: Dribbling urination, constant desire to pass urine, Burning and tickling pain while urinating.
Applied to globules 10 mg
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