Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Elaeis Guinensis
For complaints of skin, thickening and hardening of connective tissue.
Cough with lancination in sides and difficult breathing.
Lancinations, burning, bruised and throbbing pains indicate Elaeis Guinensis.
In swelling and hardening of skin and affected parts, it gives good results.
Colic after a cold drink and Bad odor from mouth is an indication for this remedy.
Weak eyes with inability to read and focus.
Throat pains while swallowing liquid or even saliva.
Stomach and Abdomen
Offensive eructations with vomiting as soon as anything eaten immediately.
Constrictive pains round neck is relieved with this remedy.
Soreness of soles of feet when walking and when touched.
Swelling of legs and hands with lancinating pains is relieved with this remedy.
Small vesicles appear on swollen right leg, and left arm indicates Elaeis Guinensis
For thickened skin with lancinating pains.
In vesicular eruptions that occur on the body, leaving thick skin.
In parasitic disease that affects the lymph nodes and lymph vessels, Elaeis Guinensis is indicated.
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