Willmar Schwabe Echinacea Angustifolia (Mother Tincture)
Tincture is made of the whole fresh plant.
Common Name: Purple cone-flower
Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Echinacea Angustifolia
Echinacea has been used for virus infections such as the common cold and flu. It is used to strengthen the immune system. It has antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
It is useful in coplaints of Foul discharges, emaciation and weakness in general.
It is said to be useful in complaints of last stage cancer, to ease the pains during chemotherapy. In bites and stings generally.
General dulness and drowsiness, unable to apply the mind during the studies is well treated with help of Echinacea Angustiflolia.
The person cannot tolerate contradiction. Gets offended easily.
Does not wish to think or study.
Constant dull pain in the head with dizziness is reduced with help of Echinacea angustifolia.
Eyes, Nose and Ear:
Burning of eyes, with desire to sleep. Sharp pains in the eyes, with dull pains better by closing the eyes is seen in Echinacea Angustifolia.
Sore Nostril with stuffed up sensation is reduced with help of this medicine.
Shooting pains in the right ear is reduced with help of Echinacea Angustifolia.
Pain in the teeth, with neuralgic pains is treated well.
Dry sensation in the mouth with bad taste in the mouth at morning time. Pain and infection of gums.
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