Dulcamara(Mother tincture)
Tincture prepared from fresh green stems and leaves, gathered just before flowering.
Common Name: Bitter-sweet
Causes & Symptoms for Dulcamara
It affects the mucous membranes, Dryness of mucous membranes strongly indicate Dulcamara.
The Dulcamara patient is disturbed by every change in the weather, from warm to cold, from dry to moist, and from suddenly cooling the body while perspiring.
Dulcamara produces catarrh of the stomach, intestines, nose, eyes, ears, and inflammatory conditions of the skin with eruptions.
It has a specific relation also to the skin, glands, and digestive organs, mucous membranes secreting more profusely while the skin is inactive.
Headache relieved by conversation indicates Dulcamara. Convulsions begin in the face.
Red rash with itching worse in damp weather is relieved with Dulcamara.
Cough, with expectoration of bright red blood.
Mind and Head
Great impatience and restlessness, Buzzing in head, Impatient desire for different things.
Back part of head chilly, heavy, aching, during cold weather.
Piercing and burning pain in the forehead, with digging from the inside outwards.
Boring headache, from within to without is relieved with Dulcamara.
Thick crusts on the scalp, causing the hair to fall off. Sensation of heaviness in the head.
Eyes, ear, Nose
Itching of the eyelids in the cold air. Aching in the eyes, especially when reading.
Acute pullings, with shootings in the ears.
Coryza, dry, with stoppage of the nose, worse in cold air is relieved with Dulcamara.
Mouth and Throat
Itching, crawling on the tip of the tongue. Pimples and ulcers in the mouth.
Continual hawking up of very tough saliva, rawness in the fauces.
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