Causes and symptoms of Willmar Schwabe Dirca Palustris
Excess of blood in brain; neuralgic pains, with depression, palpitation, and difficulty in breathing.
A gastro-intestinal irritant inducing salivation is an indication of Dirca Palustris.
For neuralgic pains, with depression, palpitation, and dyspnoea
Face pale and sunken and sour taste in mouth is relieved with Dirca Palustris
Mind and head
Dullness of powers, and great inertia all day. Dull feeling, and indisposition to talk.
Absent minded about everything, in writing spoiled several letters by writing the wrong words often.
Difficulty in thinking what word to use while writing indicates Dirca Palustris .
Continued headache in the frontal and temporal region, in the afternoon. Sharp pain in both temples, extending inwards, more severe in left.
Intense congestive headache in frontal region, with darting pains inward from each temple.
Eyes sore and painful to touch is relieved with Dirca Palustris.
Fear of light. Fear of light on awaking, which continued through the day.
Stomach and abdomen
Eructations of sour-tasting gas, empty eructation, feeling as of a lump or weight in the stomach.
Griping and aching in abdomen below the umbilicus, not relieved by change of position. Sore pain, Swelling of abdomen with air or gas.
Excessive accumulation of gas, with some pain is relieved with Dirca Palustri.
Colic pain relieved by stool, but smarting of the anus remains
Rectum and Stool
Great soreness and smarting of anus. Smarting of anus after stool.
Watery, thin, yellowish, fecal, no relief to the abdomen,sudden, gushing, watery, followed by thin fecal discharge
Constipation followed the bloody and other substance from mensus, for several days.
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