Causes & Symptoms for Diphtherinum
For swollen glands, respiratory infection, difficult breathing.
Membrane in vertical folds on posterior wall of throat.
It is suitable for patients who are prone to catarrhal affections of throat and respiratory mucous membranes.
Parotid and cervical glands are greatly swollen and can be relieved with Diphtherinum.
Breath and discharges from throat, nose and mouth very offensive
Weakness of the muscles of the extremities, spinal affections after the attack of diphtheria.
Epistaxis; with profound prostration.
Mouth and Throat
Discharges are offensive, swollen tongue, is relieved with Diphtherinum.
Swallows without pain, but fluids are vomited, returned by the nose.
Tongue coated whitish, with red papillae, dark red spot in center of red tip.
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