Causes & Symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Cynadon Dactylon
The drug is verified to be as anti-haemorrhagic remedy in epistaxis, bleedings from injuries
Cramps in abdomen better after Stool.
It has been used for epistaxis, haematemesis, diarrhoea and dysentery.
Gurgling in abdomen with flatulence better by passing stool.
Stool loose watery with tenesmus, mixed with mucus & blood.
Loss of appetite & bilious vomiting.
It has beneficial effects on kidney stone removal and might be used in human beings.
Infusion of root is used for stopping bleeding from piles.
Extract is used as antiviral, antifungal, hypoglycaemic and diuretic.
It is also used for lowering the raised blood sugar levels and also the cholesterol levels.
It is a Hepato protective medicine.
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