Willmar Schwabe Cornus Florida
Tincture of fresh bark.
Common Name: Dogwood.
Causes and symptoms for Willmar Schwabe Cornus Florida
For sluggish flow of ideas, dull, heavy headache with constant dizziness indicates Cornus Florida.
Paroxysms attended with nausea, vomiting, indigestion and distressing acid heart burn.
For general debility from loss of fluids is an indication for this remedy.
Intermittent fever with drowsiness, chill is preceded by drowsiness, heat is associated with drowsiness
In neuralgic pains of arms, chest, and trunk, and a sensation as if broken in two.
Chest and Respiratory
Stitches in the chest, nausea, vomiting, and violent pains in bowels, with headache.
Cornus Florida is useful in constant tickling in chest compelling him to cough, with difficult expectoration
Difficult urination in morning in old men.
Pains at waist as if she would break in two, pains run up whole left side of trunk or body like lightning
Ineffectual urging to stool, followed by cutting pains in ribs is relieved with Cornus Florida
Neuralgic sharp pains begin in right elbow, extending to hand and shoulder, Numbness and stitches in wrists.
Increase of body temperature, hot sweat, fullness in head.
Sleepless, could not sleep in daytime, sweating all the time.
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