Cocculus Indicus(Mother Tincture)
A tincture is prepared from the powered seeds
Common Name: Cocculus, Indian Cockle
Causes & Symptoms for Cocculus Indicus
Cocculus slows down all the activities of the body and mind, producing a sort of weakness.
Cocculus is useful for people who worn out by the anxiety, worry and loss of sleep, sensitive to suffering, sensitive to pain.
The complaints from nursing, vexation, anxiety and prolonged loss of sleep in people who take care of the unwell at home.
Incoordination runs through this remedy, faint feeling which is followed sometimes by loss of consciousness
Spasms through the body like electric shocks, convulsions after loss of sleep.
A decoction of Cocculus is a domestic remedy used locally for destroying head-or body-lice.
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